Spider-Man: No Way Home 3.2
Sometimes You Can’t Go Home Again
This week discuss the latest movie to hit the Spiderverse, Spider-Man: No Way Home. In the latest installment in the Sony/Marvel collab we find Peter Parker and his friends dealing with the fallout from Mysterio’s bombshell announcement outing Peter Paker as Spider-Man at the end of Far From Home. All Peter wants is to go back to the time when life was simpler before the whole world knew his secret and he wasn’t Public Enemy #1.
Tune in to find out how Peter and his friends deal with the fallout, who becomes collateral damage and if it is possible to go back even with the help of an all-powerful wizard. To hear this and so much more just hit play below.
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The soundtrack is included below.
Director: Jon Watts
Writers: Chris McKenna; Erik Sommers:Stan Lee (Based on comic book by)
Stars: Tom Holland; Zendaya; Benedict Cumberbatch
Run Time: 2hrs 28m (188m)
Rating: PG-13
Where to Watch:Theaters
Release Date: Dec 14, 2021
Spider-Man: No Way Home- The Music
This week’s episode features the official score for the movie and an officially curated playlist by Wine Down Radio featuring music from & inspired by the Spider-Man Franchise.
Press play below. And please be sure to follow us at Wine Down Radio on Spotify. CHEERS🍿🍷
Official Soundtrack
Official Playlist