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Released daily (Sunday thru Friday)
The Sunday Wine Down🍷(6-20)
The Sunday Wine Down 🍷(6-20) The One Where…It’s Father’s Day; Jamie Foxx’s Dad Series Is Dunzo At Netflix…Will Smith Announces His Memoir ;What’s New This Weekend At The Movies And So much more ….Check it out all on this Superb Sunday Edition of the Wine Down - CHEERS🍷🍷
The Friday Wine Down🍷(6-18)
The Friday Wine Down 🍷(6-18) The One Where…Juneteenth is Officially A National Holiday; Burger King Is Toxic; Obamacare Lives On Another Day; Dune Is Premiering In Venice;… Billie Eilish Covers Rolling Stone; Anthony Mackie “Talks” Sam & Bucky Bromance; What’s New This Weekend At The Movies And So much more ….Check it out all on this fantastic Friday Edition of the Wine Down - CHEERS🍷🍷
The Thursday Wine Down🍷 (4-29)
The Thursday Wine Down 🍷(4-29) The One Where…POTUS rocks his 1st first Congressional Address; Instead of Sleepy Joe We Now Have Snoring Ted; Michal B. Jordan Talks Without Remorse & Superman; Former Jeopardy Contestants Have Questions & Want Answers; The Summer TV Preview Is Out… Check all this and so much more out on this Wonderful Wednesday Edition of the Wine Down(CHEERS) 🍷🍷