Catch up on the latest headlines in the world of entertainment
& pop culture.
Released daily (Sunday thru Friday)

The Tuesday Wine Down🍷(6-8)
The Tuesday Wine Down 🍷(6-8) The One Where…An Internet Outage Took Out Some Major Companies; Butter Is Still Rolling At #1; F9 Crashes The Cannes Party; Lorde’s Solar Power Comeback; Bezos Is Headed To Outer Space; and so much more. Check it out all on this Terrific Tuesday Edition of the Wine Down - CHEERS🍷🍷

The Daily Wine Down (11-9)
The Daily Wine Down for Monday (11-9) features RIP Alex Trebek; Biggie & Whitney Inducted to Rock & Roll Hall of Fame; Election 2020 Reactions; Possible Johnny Depp Replacements; and more.