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& pop culture.
Released daily (Sunday thru Friday)
The Friday Wine Down🍷 (7-8)
The Friday Wine Down 🍷(7-8 )The One Where…We Say Goodbye To Acting Legend James Caan; Thor Prepping For Big Opening; BG Pleads Guilty In Russia; Injury Force Nadal Out of Wimbledon; Twitter Deal May Be In Trouble; Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients;Boris Resigns As UK PM; Nets Want It All For KD; NFL Has 1st Black Female Prez; and so much more. Tune in, Check It Out & Enjoy. CHEERS🍿🍷
The Thursday Wine Down🍷(8-5)
The Thursday Wine Down 🍷(8-5) The One Where…. Olympics Update; Simone Biles Is Ratings Gold; The Fight For Aaliyah’s Music & Legacy; Miley Wants To Educate DaBaby; Tony Hawk Gets The Doc Treatment; Cardi Joins YouTube’s Billi Views Club; The $6K Stay Star Wars Hotel; Tinder Made Mad Money During Rona; and so much more….Check it out all on this Amazing Thursday Edition of the Wine Down - CHEERS🍿🍷
The Sunday Wine Down🍷(6-20)
The Sunday Wine Down 🍷(6-20) The One Where…It’s Father’s Day; Jamie Foxx’s Dad Series Is Dunzo At Netflix…Will Smith Announces His Memoir ;What’s New This Weekend At The Movies And So much more ….Check it out all on this Superb Sunday Edition of the Wine Down - CHEERS🍷🍷
The Friday Wine Down🍷(6-18)
The Friday Wine Down 🍷(6-18) The One Where…Juneteenth is Officially A National Holiday; Burger King Is Toxic; Obamacare Lives On Another Day; Dune Is Premiering In Venice;… Billie Eilish Covers Rolling Stone; Anthony Mackie “Talks” Sam & Bucky Bromance; What’s New This Weekend At The Movies And So much more ….Check it out all on this fantastic Friday Edition of the Wine Down - CHEERS🍷🍷