Catch up on the latest headlines in the world of entertainment
& pop culture.
Released daily (Sunday thru Friday)

The Tuesday Wine Down🍷 (4-6)
The Tuesday Wine Down 🍷(4-6) The One Where…Baylor Bears Win Their First NCAA Title; Lil Nas X Hits #1 On The Charts; April Comics; DMX’s Best Movie Roles; Vaccine Passports Explained; Cameron Mathison Gets Soapy and more.

The Monday Wine Down🍷 (3-29)
The Monday Wine Down 🍷(3-29) The One Where…Justin Bieber Scores His 8th #1 Album; Someone Thinks Prince William’s Bald Head Is Sexy👀👀👀; The GOP Are Suddenly Concerned About the Border Crisis; Black Adam Gets An Official Release Date; The Echo Dot Gets A Makeover; BTS Releases an E-Book; and so much more for a Monday 😊