The Uncanny Counter 2.15
Count Me In Coach
This week on the Popcast we discuss Netflix’s hit KDrama The Uncanny Counter, which was adapted from Yang Ji’s popular Webtoon, The Amazing Rumor. Both the show and Webtoon focus on So Mun, a high school student who lost his parents in a car accident when he was younger, which also left him with a limp. So Mun is recruited by the Counters, a group of unassuming noodle shop employees by day who moonlight as kick-ass demon hunters/slayers with supernatural powers by night. Tune in below to see if The Uncanny Counter kicks ass or does it get its ass kicked.
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Starring: Jo Byung-gyu, Yoo Jun-sang, Kim Se-jeong and Yeom Hye-ran.
Genre: K-Drama; Sci-Fi; Paranormal
Episodes: 16 Run Time: 1 hr 10m+
Where to Watch: Netflix