Catch up on the latest headlines in the world of entertainment
& pop culture.
Released daily (Sunday thru Friday)

The Friday Wine Down🍷 (9-24)
The Friday Wine Down 🍷(9-23) The One Where…It’s the Weekend & We got the scoop on Chris Pratt’s Super New Role; Beyonce Is Grown Grown; The Fugees Reunite; Cryptocurrency goes Hollywood; Sports Weekend Preview; Tiger King 2; Fraudit Results Are In; Thursday Night Football & WNBA Playoff Scores; This Weekend At the Movies and so much more. Tune in and enjoy. CHEERS🍿🍷

The Friday Wine Down🍷 (9-10)
The Friday Wine Down 🍷(9-10) The One Where…Biden Is Done Playing With Y’all Over Rona; Whitney Biopic Gets A Release Date; Christopher Nolan Dropping Bombs…DOJ Suing Texas; Gossip Girl Renewed; Kate Kicks Butt This Weekend On Netflix; This Weekend At the Movies …and so much more. Tune in and enjoy. CHEERS🍿🍷

The Tuesday Wine Down🍷(6-15)
The Tuesday Wine Down 🍷(6-15) The One Where…Butter Sticking To #1 On Billboard Hot 100; Lin-Manuel Miranda Addresses Representation Criticism; Chrissy Teigen Apologizes As She’s Called Out Again For Horrible Behavior; Perfect Stranger Reboot In the Works At HBO Max; Fresh New Songs To Get You Through The Week And So much more ….Check it out all on this Terrific Tuesday Edition of the Wine Down - CHEERS🍷🍷