The Wednesday Wine Down🍷 (9-8)
The One Where…The Vacation Is Over
The Rona Renaissance
As quietly as it’s kept, or not Rona is actually a lot worse this year than it was last year. Which means we’re in a Rona Renaissance and not in a good way. I guess it only seems better or at least different because we are not locked down like we were last year. Although we probably should be. It sucks but it’s the truth. Another sad and honestly disheartening truth is it didn’t have to be and quite frankly shouldn’t be this fucking bad. Also unlike last year, we have a vaccine and ways to fight Rona and all of her mutated ass cousins. So why do we keep letting them win? Why would people rather run down to the local feed store and take horse dewormer .👀👀👀 ? Why are there over 250,000 children in hospitals and ICUs across the country right now? Why are so many allowing people like Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott to play a political game of Russian Roulette not only with their lives and the lives of their children? Obviously, I have so many questions and none of them have very good if any answers. (Rolling Stone)
Finally, Free
It’s hard to believe it’s been 13 years since Britney first went under conservatorship. Those of us who remember her breakdown probably had different opinions about it back then. From the outside looking in it probably saved her life, but in the ensuing years, it’s also probably ruined it in many different ways. I often wondered why it lasted so long, but figured hey it was her life and that she must have been okay with it. So, I never gave much credence to the #FreeBritney movement until she herself spoke out on her situation and revealed in her own words without the tabloid fodder or clickbait headlines just how terribly oppressive her situation truly was. Well now after many high profile and seriously damning court appearances it seems Britney’s father is finally filing to end the conservatorship.👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾. This move will seemingly put Britney back in control of her own life and career. Hopefully, she will return to music, if she wants, as she has said she would not do so as long as her father was still in control of her life and career. (Deadline)
Say It Loud, Say It Proud
I am a firm believer that representation matters now more than ever and that is not just for black and people of color but for all marginalized groups in all walks of life. And we keep proving that over and over again. Look at what Shang-Chi did at the box office, which proves that we only need the chance to be seen and to be heard. One group, in particular, that seems to have to fight harder for that opportunity is members of the Transgender community. Now members of the community are marching on Broadway as they protest prolific stage producer Cameron Mackintosh’s remarks about Transgender casting in classical musicals a “gimmick”. Mackintosh’s statements are symptomatic of a bigger issue of trans erasure, not just in the entertainment industry but in society as a whole. So I will keep shouting it from the rooftops at the top of my lungs for ALL under and misrepresented groups REPRESENTATION FUCKING MATTERS.(Variety)
Up Lyfitng
I really do believe Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott are in competition to see who can be the worst governor in the country en route to neither one of them ever becoming POTUS. Both are rumored to be running in 2024 (Sweet Baby Jesus help us all🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾). I know it’s hard to tell who’s winning the biggest loser campaign with Ron DeSantis running Florida like a death camp and all. But as a resident of Texas, I am quite partial to Abbott and can speak first hand to his absolute horribleness. But he seems to be winning at least on paper just by all that he’s done this week making Texas a real-life version of The Handmaid’s Tale, by signing the abortion ban into law and then his horrible defense of the law. Let’s not forget he also signed the anti-voting rights bill making it harder to vote in a state that already has some of the toughest voting restrictions in place.
But alas back to what I shall now call the Handmaid’s Tale Bill, many businesses are not too happy with the state for passing this assinine of this “law”. Lyft is one of those businesses and they have set up a legal defense for their drivers who may be sued by some random wingnut just for dropping a woman off at an abortion clinic. True story, that is how fucking ridiculous this bill is, So yeah Greg Abbott is leading the worst governor in America race this week. But I’m sure DeSantis will do something to catch up soon. (CNN)
More Headlines
BTS’ “Butter” Finishes At #1 On Songs of Summer Chart (Billboard)
Damn No One Watched The Republic of Sarah Finale On Labor Day (The Wrap)
Are You Ready For Some Drake? Hip-Hop Star Curating Music For ESPN’s Monday Night Football (Billboard)
Abigail Spencer Returning To Grey’s For Season 18 (Variety)
Tampa’s Super Bowl Parade Was Apparently A Super Spreader Event (CNN)
Yes Please To Sniff Starring Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren, Danny Devito, and Al Pacino ( The Wrap)
What’s Really Going On
Security Concerns On The Rise Over Upcoming Right-Wing Rally In DC (CNN)
Cali Bans Removing Condoms During Sex W/O Consent (The Independent)
Iowa Teacher “Placed on Leave” After Sharing He Was Bisexual (USA Today)
Jesus Take The Wheel, Covid Denier Caught Coughing On People At Grocery Story 🤬🤬🤬 (The Independent)
Clinton Portis Former NFL Star Facing Upto 10 Yrs In Prison For Healthcare Fraud (The Independent)
Songs To Get You Through The Week (9-7) (Billboard)
Fresh New Hip Hop Joints To Get You Through The Week (9-7)- (Billboard)
Billboard Hot 100 (9-11) (Billboard)
Billboard Hot 200 [9-11]-(Billboard)
Songs of Summer Chart [9-11] (Billboard)
2021 Movie Release Calendar (Cinemablend)
Fall TV Schedule (TVLine)
Most Anticipated Movies of 2021 (Variety)
What’s Poppin’
100 Best Sitcoms of All Time (Rolling Stone)
Billboard Team Ranks The Top 50 Albums of The Year So Far (Billboard)
100 Greatest Music Videos of All Time (Rolling Stone)
The Latest In Streaming
This Week’s Comings & Goings (9-5) (TVLine)
What’s Streaming In September (Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu, Amazon, etc…) (Slate)
Fall TV Premiere Dates (The Wrap)
Tonight’s Focus
Doogie Kamealoha, M.D. (Disney+)
Wu-Tang: An American Saga (Hulu)
Women of 9/11: A Special Edition of 20/20 With Robin Roberts 9E/8C (ABC)